not rated
87 minutes
Martin & Orloff (2002) 
April 30, 2004 at 7:00 and 10:00pm in 26-100, and
May 2, 2004 at 7:00pm in 26-100.
Part surrealist manifesto, part Dada headtrip, and all fun, this unofficial
debut movie of the popular New York comedy troupe Upright Citizen's Brigade is a
series of hilarious skits highlighting the adventures of one suicidal costume
designer named Martin and his psychotherapist, whose own sanity is questionable.
Featuring a giant egg roll, a stripper with a PhD, a deranged Desert Storm vet,
a giant sparerib costume, John Woo-style violence, Steel-Magnolia-esque pathos,
and the world's largest penis, this is truly an entertainment original. And
don't miss the surpise cameos!
"Wickedly funny!"
      -- Joe Grossman, Time Out New York. Read this review.