LSC Event Descriptions

April 2 & 4, 2004

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Rated R
90 minutes

Die Mommie Die! (2003)
April 2, 2004 at 7:00 and 10:00pm in 26-100, and
April 4, 2004 at 7:00pm in 26-100.

Created as an ode to the Ross Hunter-style big-screen soaps of the 60's, Die Mommie Die! features theater veteran Charles Busch as the fallen pop diva Angela Arden. When Angela's husband Sol discovers that she's having an affair with tennis pro and failed actor Tony Parker (Jason Priestly), Angela calculatedly offs him with a poisoned suppository. What follows is a hilarious mixture of whodunits and double-crossings involving the singer, the ill-fated family maid, Angela and Sol's spoiled, vampy daughter Edith (Natasha Lyonne), and Lance, their homosexual son.

"Die Mommie Die! has great fun demolishing pretense and the facade of respectability while never hitting a false note."
      -- Kevin Thomas, Los Angeles Times

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