Rated R
113 minutes
Memento (2000) 
January 15, 2004 at 8:00pm in 26-100,
January 16, 2004 at 8:00pm in 26-100, and
January 17, 2004 at 8:00pm in 26-100.
More requested than any other movie in LSC history, LSC attempted to
show this not once, not twice, but three semesters in a row before
being beaten by its distributor, the champion of phone tag...but now,
at long last, we've booked it so you can finally see the 17th greatest
movie of all time* in 26-100!
Leonard (Guy Pearce) suffers from short-term memory loss. Notes
and tattoos are his only connection to the past as he searches for his
wife's murderer. Meanwhile, barmaid Natalie (Carrie-Ann Moss) and
a guy named Teddy (Joe Pantoliano) offer to help him in his quest -
but each claims the other is an enemy. The story is presented backwards
and in pieces, just as Leonard experiences it.
"mesmerizing mind-bender - a mind fuck as well as a new classic
among thrillers"       -- Peter Travers, Rolling Stone. Read this review.
"Memento doesn't just draw you into a dramatic mystery, it makes
you aware of human mystery. And that's food for thought and
entertainment."       -- Desson Howe, Washington Post. Read this review.
*as ranked by IMDB users