Not rated
107 minutes
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A FREE Sneak Preview!
Capturing the Friedmans (2003) 
Monday, June 9, 2003 at 7:30pm in 10-250.
WINNER, Grand Jury Prize, Documentary Competition, Sundance Film Festival 2003.
An extraordinary new documentary ... made with tact, dedication, and respect for the unending mysteries of family life ... a MASTERPIECE.       -- David Denby, The New Yorker
This movie will pin you to your seat ... gripping ... unflinching ... It's a modern horror story that gets you where you live.       -- Peter Travers, Rolling Stone. Read this review
A non-fiction feature film that explores the elusive nature of truth through the prism of one of the strangest criminal cases in American history. The Friedmans seem at first to be a typical family. Arnold Friedman is an award-winning schoolteacher, his wife Elaine, a homemaker. Together, they raise their three boys in the affluent Long Island town of Great Neck. One Thanksgiving, the family is gathered at home preparing for a quiet holiday dinner. In an instant, a police battering ram splinters the front door and officers rush into the house searching every corner, seizing boxes of the family's possessions. Arnold and his 18-year old son Jesse are both arrested, and subsequently indicted for hundreds of shocking crimes. The film follows their story - from the public's perspective and, most remarkably, through unique footage of the family in crisis, shot contemporaneously by family members inside the Friedman house.
Passes will be available in Lobby 10 at 5:30pm the day of the show. MIT ID required, two passes per person.
This film will be followed by a Q&A session with Andrew Jarecki, the director of this film and founder of Moviefone.